Thursday, July 12, 2007


As many of you know, I've been struggling with my weight for, oh, just about my whole life. Recently I have lost 33.3 lbs, with 30 more to go. However in the last few months, the progress has stalled, and here I am scared to death that I'm going to get fat again. So I read other fat people's blogs and am able to commiserate with them, and hopefully get some motivation. When I read this one, I nearly died. It's hilarious! I just have to share this!


taken from

Is it Just Me? Or...

Do you ever:

Mindlessly put food into your mouth only to then realize it and turn around to spit it out in the garbage disposal?

Weigh yourself, then use the bathroom and weigh yourself again...just to see?

Secretly get excited when you get the stomach flu?

Play the cancel game? (ie "Well, lettuce is basically water and fiber so I'm pretty sure it cancels out the juicy steak it's sitting next to")

Skip working out only because you forgot to charge your iPod?

Eat your kid's Gummy Vites telling yourself they're just *full of fantastic vitamins and minerals* when in reality you just wanted to feel like you are eating some gummy bears?

Worry you won't be able to maintain your weight loss?

Throw away a yummy treat and then change your mind and fish it out? (oh that was hard to write. Please tell me I'm not alone) Remember this Seinfeld?

Jerry: "So let me get this straight. You find yourself in the kitchen, you see an eclair in the receptacle, and you think to yourself: 'What the hell, I'll just eat some trash.'"

George: "No, no, no, no, no. It was not trash."

Jerry: "Was it in the trash?"

George: "Yes."

Jerry: "Then it was trash."

George: "It wasn't down in. It was sort of on top."

Jerry: "But it was in the cylinder."

George: "Above the rim."

Jerry: "Adjacent to refuse is ... refuse."


A said...

The secret to not chasing the yummy treat out of the garbage is to make it unsalvageable ie Sunday night I was eating sourpatch kids and I decided I wouldn't eat the green ones well if they hang out long enough I will eat them, SO I would fish them out and put them in the bowl of salsa on the counter that needed to be washed out anyway. Yes I dared Sharmin to eat a green one after sitting in the salsa but she refused, bitch. But seriously they were so gross I didn't even want them anymore. This is a trick that I developed when living by myself for five years.

Tara Shirley said...

YES! You taught me that trick when we were eating at the Rio every Wednesday night. You eat what is appropriate and then you make the rest really gross. It totally works and I thank you for that tidbit of knowledge!

katieo said...

tara. Hope you don't I followed you here. I love that you found another home for that post!

Ok, and congrats on the 33.3!! Good luck (and by good luck I mean I'm sending you all of the hard work, determination, persistance, and sweaty vibes I can muster :)