Gwen is 6 months old! She had her check up today, which included shots...sad. But she is such a trooper, she only cried when she was being poked. Here are her new stats.
Weight: 17 lbs 15 oz - 83%
Height: 26.25" tall - 68%
Head Cir: 44.5 cm - 93%
That's my little tank!
Some things little G likes at 6 months....
She loves to sit up...
She loves to eat her toes...
She really likes the fridge....
She rolls over a ton and loves to scream for no reason. She also has a really funny fake cough. She laughs like crazy when Stella stands up on her little Boppy chair. She loves to look in the mirror and laugh at the other little baby looking back at her. She likes to suck on her binky string more than her binky. She loves to pull my hair and my necklaces. And by far she loves to play with her mommy and daddy. She's so fun and sweet, she really is the best baby in the whole world.
so cute! She has pretty much passed Chloe up.
Oh Gwenny...I love, love her...She is so stinking cute! Thanks for sharing her in Orlando. Need to bring her in the office more often:)
Hope she has recovered from having to ride home with me...BTW, thanks so much for the ride home!
It's funny how similar Gwen is with Addie right now. Like everything you listed is exactly what Addie is doing. HAHA. I wonder if every baby has the same mannerisms at different similar stages.
We need to get together so we can see this cute little girl again!
OMH! How Cute is that picture of her standing up against the wall?!!? So CUTE!
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