Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A New Addition

Tonight we were at Target getting some stuff for our trip to CA when I noticed a little something. A little white, sharp something in little Gwenny's mouth. That's right! She's got a tooth!!! I just noticed it today. It's already broken through the skin. That sure does explain her grumpy nights last week. We're so excited our wee one is growing up!

And this is the best picture we could get of it. Can you see it? Yeah, I can't see it in this picture either, but it was the best we could do. She does not like us poking around in there.

And then, here is a picture of Gwen's nursery. Some girls at my office were asking about it, so here you go!

1 comment:

The Youngs said...

YEAH! a tooth. Her room is too cute I told you I would not hate it. Especially since you actually put pictures on the wall of yours.