Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I hate my neighbors! They have been SO loud lately... or really since they moved in a year ago. We complain to them and the HOA board and nothing changes. So tonight, just a minute ago, she comes over and is all snotty asking Brett if he wants her to move out because she has no where else to go! She wanted to know exactly when she is loud and when her dogs are barking and when they are being so awful. SERIOUSLY?!!?! How about every day last week. EVERY DAY! How about at FOUR AM on Halloween night. I don't care if it's Halloween or not, 4 am is NOT Ok to wake us up with your music! SERIOUSLY! Take some personal responsibility lady! I am so sick of people acting like they are victims in every situation! You can't tell me that you don't know when you are doing something wrong! I can't even stand how irritated I am about this. And Brett was so taken aback by her that he got all flustered and basically just apologized to her. Maybe I'll go over there and tell her all the times she's been too loud. I've got a list! And I'll be a little crap to her just like she was to Brett. UGH! Honestly I can't stand sharing walls with people. It's been 12 years of sharing walls, enough is enough. Too bad we are upside down in our townhome, making it impossible to sell for a few more years. UGH.



try having a family of 5 live above you and above the entire apartment are tile floors! We hear everything! I am so glad Addie cries and can bug them sometimes. Also their toy room is next to a door that seperates our aprtment from their basement, I think they have a basketball hoop on that door. They must have some reason for throwing things at the door. Sorry I just needed to vent too!

Lindsey said...

You should tell her. Give her a piece of your mind! And knock on her door/call her when it happens again. You have to be able to live there just as much as she does!

Anonymous said...

I hope it's not totally weird that I'm commenting and we don't know each other (or maybe it is). I know Jodi Holbrook and saw that you wrote about Twilight which I also love and then saw this post about your neighbors and had to tell you about MY neighbors!

My husband is in the air force and we recently moved to the base outside of Las Vegas. We share a townhome style house with some horrible people on the military base here. They moved in about 4 days after we did (because the homes are new here so they're putting everyone in them to clear out the older homes on the other side of base) and from the moment they moved in, they were loud. Til 2 or 3 in the morning... every night. We could literally hear them arguing with each other and screaming obscenities at each other but we ignored it because we didn't want to get involved with people like that. Finally one day after all of that, they called the cops on me for a noise complaint because they said the elliptical machine in my bedroom that shares a wall with theirs was too loud for them to hear their tv at a reasonable level. I couldn't even believe the nerve!!! On top of which it was only 7:30 at night when they made the call!!! Luckily being in the military, we have some pull with my husband's First Sergeant who sat them down and gave them a good talking to and told them they'd be evicted if we heard so much as a peep from them from now on... and we haven't heard anything! If I were you, I'd go over there and give her your list of dates/times you hear them! You don't deserve that!