And yes, I still strongly dislike being pregnant. It's terribly uncomfortable and everyone lovingly tells me it will just get worse. Thanks for that bit of uplifting info! But I continue to be thankful that I am healthy and the baby is healthy, and I can't wait to meet her. I have another ultrasound on Dec. 1, because I'm "consistently measuring big" at my doctors apt. which could be bad for the baby. But I'm confident everything is ok with her and me. We did find out that I do NOT have gestational diabetes, which is awesome!
The latest ailment I am struggling with though, is heartburn. My mom, so nicely, told me tonight that her terrible acid reflux problem started when she was pregnant and it never went away. YAY for me!! Thanks mom! Sure hope this horrible heartburn can keep me up every night for the rest of my life.
Oh and you can see the cabinets in the background that are almost done being painted! I'll post more pics of the kitchen when we are completely done.
Woohoo!!You look great! Sad abt the heart burn issue...I hope it goes away and that you can somehow endure the last 76 days!!!
Freaking awesome. Love the tummy! Grant really likes the picture. He got really excited when he saw it.
Tara! You look so stinking cute! I found you off of Chris and Melissa's blog. I am glad I found you, now I can see how you guys are doing. Email me, and I will send you an invite to my blog, if you want. I hope all is well!
jas.n.em at gmail dot com
ha funny the first thing I noticed in your picture before anything else was that I thought your cabinets were painted. You might want to talk to Sara about the whole heartburn thing. She has suffered from that more than anything else and has tried a lot of different things that have helped.
I was one of the ones who told you it sycks being pregnant. Sorry. You look great! (and you have a good doctor!)
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