Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Our new additions!

When we went to California a few weeks ago, we brought back a few more things. My birds, Tiel and Miranda. Miranda had a hard time on the drive back. For the first hour of the trip he would climb to the top of the cage and then fall off every time we hit a bump or said a word. Then he just clung on for dear life the rest of the time. Niether of them wouldn't eat or drink unless it came from our hands. So yes, I bottle fed Miranda some water. He drank right out of my water bottle! It was adorable and ridiculous all at the same time.

We also brought back some treats for the birds! Just kidding Dad. Look how great they are doing! The one on the left is about to bloom! Only a few leaves have died. Thanks Dad.

1 comment:

Megan Zurcher said...

It looks like Tiel is leaning over to try and get in the picture. They are so cute!