Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Alfred Leroy Ewer

October 13, 1924 - September 29, 2008

My grandpa passed away on Septemeber 29 at the ripe old age of 84. We had his funeral this last weekend. It was beautiful. He served in the US Navy, so he received a military burial. I had never seen one before so it was a great experience. There was a bagpiper, a 3 gun salute and a bugle. Needless to say that as soon as the music started, the tears started. And really, there is no stopping those, especially since I've been pregnant. I'm sad to have lost my grandpa but so happy that he is now reunited with my grandma, the love of his life. Now all my grandparents get to meet our little girl before we do and prepare her for what to expect with me as her mother. I'm sure they are encouraging her to torment me and Brett, like I did my parents.

Here is a small excerpt from his obituary:

He served honorably in the US Navy durring WW11 aboard the USS Dunlap in the Pacific. He not only repaired the diabled ship, but laso designed and built the required tools. He married Fern Hart, became the beloved father to her three children and later added two more. He joined the LDS Church and the family was sealed in the Salt Lake Temple.... He was a true gentleman and will always be an example of Christlike love, selfless love. He was always gracious and appreciative. He tenderly cared for his eternal companion until her death...."

My grandpa was one of the most kind and gently men I've ever met. He really did set a great example for Christlike behavior for all of us. I didn't know him as well as some of my siblings did, but I loved him dearly and will miss him terribly.


chucho said...

love the pictures! and love you. i don't really care for brett, though.

Anna said...

Seriously great pictures. I'm sorry for your loss Tara. He sounds like he was an amazing man. And he looks like the kind of grandpa who gave great hugs.

jennaloha said...

I still can't believe you and Brett lost a grandpa each in just 2days! The world they both left is definitely better for having them in it.

Liz D said...

Those are some great pictures of Grandpa.

Aunt S said...

What a beautiful tribute to two wonderful giants in your lives.